According to a May 11 survey, a larger percentage of young Catholics and evangelicals have gotten vaccinated than young nonreligious Americans:
This kind of undercuts the notion that only rabid right wing religious nut jobs are to blame. Perhaps it has more to do with the insane messaging from the governments that want to maintain control by unscientific lockdowns and mask mandates.
As long as COVID is around, there is a crisis, and that allows you to implement martial law, it allows you to ignore Supreme Court decisions, allows you to suppress all protest, it gives some obscure, unknown and unelected bureaucrats like Fauci space on Time magazine front pages and power to implement unconstitutional immigration law, unconstitutional takings from landlords, unconstitutional takings from tax payers. And this is happening across the world, the EU is very unhappy that the UK is opening up, Australia is locking down with zero evidence, and DeBlasio wants to resegregate the city by race.
If there were a message that if the vaccines are successful, the crisis is overcome, there would be no more appetite to oppression.